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Call for Contributions of Video and Film Programmes for EuroVision2000

All artists, film producers, activists, theorists and other groups or individuals who have already worked on EuroVision2000 topics as laid out above, or who plan such productions, are invited to participate in the EuroVision2000 network.
Please send us videos or films on VHS/pal tapes, together with the usual information on authors and participants, as well as a short description of content. Also include full address, e-mail address and details of the relevant bank account.

Language: In principle productions are possible in any language. However, since the productions are distributed to 7 different countries, English subtitles are almost indispensable. All short descriptions of the videos and films should be in English, since the website will be exclusively in English.

Fees / remuneration: We aim to pay a remuneration of least 100 Euros for all contributions that become part of the programme. This will, however, depend on the success of the fundraising.

Copyright rules: All copyrights will remain with the authors and artists. EuroVision2000 will show the videos in the framework of programme blocks in the various Café9 locations, and will include low-resolution copies in the on-line archive. New negotiations will take place with authors, artists and their distribution representatives respectively with regard to any further use of the material. This could be, for instance, for the production of a EuroVision2000 compilation tape, further screenings outside Café9 localities, or for broadcasting on local, national or European TV channels.

All EuroVision2000 network participants will automatically be added to the EuroVision2000 mailing list (eurovision-l@ecn.cz) and receive all information concerning the further development of the EuroVision2000 project, as well as the latest news on Café9. In this way they will also be able to participate actively in future discussions and decision-making.

Call to Participate in a Local EuroVision2000 Production Team

Eurovision2000 is looking for groups or individuals who would like to take on the local coordination of EuroVision2000 and/or who would like to participate in the conception and production of their own programmes, parts of programmes and live events, in one of the Café9 partner cities of Avignon, Brussels, Bergen, Bologna, Helsinki, Prague or Reykjavik.

c/o Labor k3000
Schöneggstr. 5
CH - 8004 Zurich
0041 1 291 30 40


c/o Centrum pro soucasné umení
Jelení 9
CZ - 11800 Praha 1
Czech Republic
0042 02 2437 3178

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