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APEXchanges application form
Link-up Travel Grant

Information about APEXchages

About this form

Please fill out this form in block letters or in typed letters. If you need extra space, please create an additional appendix. You will receive a grantnumber after you
have sent the form back to the APEXchanges coordinator.

The procedure of APEXchanges

The requested information should be received two months prior to the envisaged meeting.

The APEXchanges evaluation committee will take your application into consideration as soon as we receive the comprehensive material. Please note that the grant
number must be quoted in any further correspondance.

If the APEXchanges evaluation committee awards you a grant, you will receive the reimbursement of the travel expenses after your trip. In order to be able to transfer
the money we must receive a written request for payment, the original ticket and the related receipts. You have to state your grant number with this request. Please
note that the APEXchanges financial department is not authorized to make payments on the basis of faxes. A final report describing the project and indicating its major
achievements and its potential for future developments should be submitted within a month of its accomplishment. Any printed matter resulting from the project should
contain mention of the APEXchanges financial contribution.

More information

If you need more information, please contact the APEXchanges coordinator at the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam or take a look at our website:

www. eurocult.org/apex.html

Application Form

Grant number

I Personal details



Postal code, City, Country

Telephone Fax E-mail

II Banking details

Name of the bank

Address of the bank

Postal code, City, Country

Account number, Swift code of the bank

Name of the account holder

Address of the account holder

Postal code, City, Country

III Curriculum Vitae

Date and place of birth

What education have you received?

What work experience do you have?

What other relevant activities (such as performances, exhibitions, etc.) have you been involved in?

IV Project information

When and where will your project take place?

Please give a description of the project or meeting

Why is it important to you to take part in this project/meeting?

What do you expect from the project/meeting?

Is it your own initiative to take part in the project/meeting or have you been invited by your partner or the host organization abroad?

Who is your partner/host organization abroad? Please note name and address

How did you make contact with your partner/host organization abroad?

Please give a description of your host organization or a short CV of your partner abroad

V Financial information

What is the budget for your trip (travel costs, accommodation costs, visa, fees, etc.) in US$?

How do you expect to cover these costs?

What is the price of the cheapest ticket (in US$)?

Which type of transport have you chosen and why?

Why are you applying to APEXchanges?

VI Information on APEXchanges

Through which medium did you receive information on APEXchanges? Please note the name, address, telephone, fax number and E-mail of the person or organization

Have you ever received an APEXchanges grant before? If yes, when?

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