Video Archive back 
8', 2000
by Zeigam Azizov and Yisia, London

This video addresses the grows of the knowledge industry as it stimulates the process of Globalisation. Considering facts of learning and it's effects in everyday life this short film takes to a journey from the school (classroom for the studying) to the public Internet shops (certain hyper real theatre). However the moment of unequal exchange, racism and sexism in the very space of knowledge is at the center of the film.

Since the immaterial overdetermined the material forces,there is also shift from the utopian equality towards the real forms of becoming, which can be made possible by means of the intellect. On the one hand we are witnessing Enlightenments ideal of the intellectual revolution, on the other hand the utopian nature of equality suggested by these theories.

Taking the school book (learning to write) and the progress of writing to digital programming as the subject as well as the real time in this short video the world spaces are changing (Azerbaijan, Korea, England), different symbols and signs mutually transform each other (Cyrillic alphabet, Korean hyregiliphics, Latin), different landscapes of the urban space (Victoria station, dynamic place for joining different parts of Europe and different airports), Easy Everything (the Internet shop made in very manner of the Greek amphitheatre and hyperreal spectacle, kind of panopticon) etc.
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